Callsigns (and maps) on the world

by I0AKP

Mappa molto bella dal sito Ari di Busto Arsizio   di IK2UVR , interessante  perchè segnala i limiti dei suffissi degli IW zona per zona.

All’interno del territorio Italiano sono ubicati la Repubblica di San Marino e all’interno della città di Roma lo Stato Vaticano ( Città del Vaticano) e il Sovrano Militare Ordine di Malta (ente sovrano) che hanno indicativi propri.

Repubblica di San Marino : T77A-T77Z , ,T70A Club Station, T71A-T71Z Special Callsigns.

Città del Vaticano : HVA -HVZ

Sovrano Ordine di Malta: 1A , riconosciuto per il DXCC ma non per l’ITU

4U1ITU Geneva
4U1UN New York NY USA
4U1VIC Vienna Intl.
4U1WB The World Bank, Washington DC, USA=W3


SM0 Stockholm City-A, Stockholm Laen-B
SM1 Gotland-I
SM2 Vaesterbotten-AC, Norrbotten-BD
SM3 Gaevleborg-X, Vaesternorrland-Y, Jaemtland-Z
SM4 Vaermland-S,Oerebro-T, Koppaberg-W
SM5 Uppsala-C, Soedermanland-D, Oestergoetland-E, Vaestmanland-U
SM6 Halland-N, Goeteborg och Bohus-O, Aelvborg-P, Skaraborg-R
SM7 Joenkoeping-F, Kronoberg-G, Kalmar-H, Blekinge-K, Kristianstad-L,
SK Club Stations SL Military Club Stations

OH1 Turku-Pori
OH2 Uudenmaa
OH3 Haeme
OH4 Mikkeli
OH5 Kymi
OH6 Keski-Suomi, Vaasa
OH7 Kuopio, Pohjois-Karjala
OH8 Oulu
OH9 Lappi
OH0 Aland Is -OH0M Market Reef – OJ0 Market Reef 

RegionG-prefixM-prefixIntermediateG-club prefixM-club prefixSpecial event
Northern IrelandGIMI2IGNMNGB
VP2VBritish Virgin Isles
VP5Turks & Caicos
VP6Pitcairn Island
VR6Pitcairn Island (prior to 1 May 1998)
VP6DDucie Island (Pitcairn group)
VP8/FFalkland Islands
VP8/GSouth Georgia Island
VP8/OSouth Orkney Island
VP8/SASouth Sandwich Island
VP8/SHSouth Shetland Island
VQ9Chagos (Indian Ocean)
ZB, ZGGibraltar
ZC4UK Sovereign Base Areas on Cyprus
ZD7St Helena
ZD8Ascension Island
ZD9Tristan Da Cunha
ZFCayman Islands

EA1 Asturias Asturias

EA1 Ávila Castilla y León

EA1 Burgos Castilla y León

EA1 Cantabria Cantabria

EA1 A Coruña Galicia

EA1 León Castilla y León

EA1 Lugo Galicia

EA1 Ourense Galicia

EA1 Palencia Castilla y León

EA1 Pontevedra Galicia

EA1 La Rioja La Rioja

EA1 Salamanca Castilla y León

EA1 Segovia Castilla y León

EA1 Soria Castilla y León

EA1 Valladolid Castilla y León

EA1 Zamora Castilla y León

EA2 Araba/Álava País Vasco

EA2 Bizkaia País Vasco

EA2 Gipuzkoa País Vasco

EA2 Huesca Aragón

EA2 Navarra Navarra

EA2 Teruel Aragón

EA2 Zaragoza Aragón

EA3 Barcelona Catalunya

EA3 Girona Catalunya

EA3 LLeida Catalunya

EA3 Tarragona Catalunya

EA4 Badajoz Extremadura

EA4 Cáceres Extremadura

EA4 Ciudad Real Castilla-La Mancha

EA4 Cuenca Castilla-La Mancha

EA4 Guadalajara Castilla-La Mancha

EA4 Madrid Comunidad de Madrid

EA4 Toledo Castilla-La Mancha

EA5 Albacete Castilla-La Mancha

EA5 Alicante Comunidad Valenciana

EA5 Castellón Comunidad Valenciana

EA5 Murcia Región de Murcia

EA5 Valencia Comunidad Valenciana

EA6 Balears Islas Baleares

EA7 Almería Andalucía

EA7 Cádiz Andalucía

EA7 Córdoba Andalucía

EA7 Granada Andalucía

EA7 Huelva Andalucía

EA7 Jaén Andalucía

EA7 Málaga Andalucía

EA7 Sevilla Andalucía

EA8 Las Palmas Canarias

EA8 Santa Cruz de Tenerife Canarias

EA9 Ceuta (autonomous city)

EA9 Melilla (autonomous city)

CT0 Repeaters, Beacons, etc.
CT1 Portugal-Class A, B with CW
CT2 Portugal-Class B without CW
CT3 Madeira Island (ITU Zone 36 CQ Zone 33)
CT4 Portugal-Class A,B mostly former Ultramarine Hams
CT5-Portugal-Class C (only VHF and UHF privileges)

CU Azores Isl. CT9 Madeira Isl.
CU1 Santa Maria Island
CU2 Sao Miguel Island
CU3 Terceira Island
CU4 Graciosa Island
CU5 Sao Jorge Island
CU6 Pico Island
CU7 Faial Island
CU8 Flores Island
CU9 Corvo Islan

Special prefix:

CQ Special Prefixes (CQ3 and CQ9 reserved for Madeira)
CR Portugal Special Prefixes
CR3 and CR9 reserved for Madeira
CS Portugal Special Prefixes
CS3 and CS9 reserved for Madeira

FA1***VHF (144-146) only – Minimum age 13 – Max power 30 W
FB1***VHF + some HF portions (7.02-7.04, 14.05-14.1, 21.05-21.15, 28-28.1,28.4-29.7) 
Minimum age 13 – CW needed – Max power 30 W
F1**, F1***, F4***All frequencies above 30 MHz (VHF, UHF, SHF…) – Ex FC1xxx 
Minimum age 16 – No CW needed – Max power 200 W – F4xxx are recent hams
F2**, F3**, F5**,F5***, F6***, F8**, F8***, F9**All ham frequencies (HF , VHF, UHF…) – Ex FD1xxx, FE1xxx 
Minimum age 16 – CW needed – Max power 500 W – F8xxx are recent hams 
2 letters suffix for old timers – Ex: F2VX, F3XY, F5EN, F8PX, F9LM


TM, TPSpecial event station in France – example: TM2T, TM8CMF, TM0RSE, TP5CE

TOSpecial event station in overseas departments (DOM)
TXSpecial event station in overseas territories (TOM)
HW, HX, HY, THTQ, TV, TW, TXVery special event station


FJSaint Barthélemy
FKNouvelle Calédonie – New Caledonia
FOPolynésie française + Clipperton – French Polynesia + Clipperton Island
FPSaint Pierre & Miquelon
FRRéunion (/E=Europa Is.   /G=Glorioso Is.  /J=Juan de Nova Is.   /T=Tromelin Is.)
FSSaint Martin
FTTerres australes Antartiques (FTnWx=Crozet  FTnXx=Kerguelen  FTxZx=Amsterdam)
FWWallis & Futuna
FXFrench ham satellits
FYGuyane – French Guiana
TKCorse – Corsica

OE1 Wien
OE2 Salzburg
OE3 Niederroesterreich
OE4 Burgenland
OE5 Oberoesterreich
OE6 Steiermark
OE7 Tirol
OE8 Karntern
OE9 Vorarlberg

DA Germany
DA0 Clubstations
DA1… DA9 = individual licenses issued to members of foreign Nato forces stationed in DL.

DB Germany VHF licenses
DB0 Repeaters, beacons, club stations with VHF license
DB1… DB9 = VHF licenses

DC full privileges (since 2007, before just VHF)
DD full privileges (since 2007, before just VHF)

DE examined SWLs

DF full privileges
DF0 Club Stations
DF1.. DF9 = individual licenses

DG VHF licenses
DH Since May 1st 1998 this prefix belongs to the full privilege class. Old licenses have been upgraded.

DJ full privileges
DJ0 Legal alien residents

DJ1… DJ9 German citizens

DK full privileges
DK0 Club Stations
DK1… DK9 = Individuals

DL full privileges
DL0 = Club Stations
DL1…DL9 = Individuals

EU/EW/EV1 – the city of Minsk,

EU/EW/EV2 – Minsk oblast,

EU/EW/EV3 – Brest oblast,

EU/EW/EV4 – Grodno oblast,

EU/EW/EV5 Reserved

EU/EW/EV6 – Vitebsk oblast,

EU/EW/EV7 – Mogilev oblast,

EU/EW/EV8 – Gomel oblast.


EV1-EV4, EV6-EV8 with suffixes A-Z World War II veteran

SN , SO , SP , SQ , SR , 3Z , HF

1 – Zachodniopomorskie (Z)
2 – Pomorskie (F) , Kujawsko – Pomorskie (P)
3 – Wielkopolskie (W) , Lubuskie (B)
4 – Warmińsko – Mazurskie (J) , Podlaskie (O)
5 – Mazowieckie (R)
6 – Dolnośląskie (D) , Opolskie (U)
7 – Łódzkie (C) , Świętokrzyskie (S)
8 – Lubelskie (L) , Podkarpackie (K)
9 – Śląskie (G) , Małopolskie (M)

Special Call : HF 0 POL – Polish Base , South Shetland – King George Island

HA1 Gyor City, Gyor Sopron, Vas Zala
HA2 Komarom Esztergom, Veszprem
HA3 Tolna, Somogy, Pecs City, Baranya
HA4 Fejer
HA5 Budapest City
HA6 Nograd, Heves
HA7 Pest, Jasz Nagykun Szolnok
HA8 Bacs Kiskun, Szeged City, Csongrad, Bekes
HA9 Miskolc City, Borsod Abauj Zemplen

OK1 bohemia OK2 Moravia

Slovak Republic

OM3, OM1 Bratislava
OM3, OM2 Western Slovakia, west: Trnava, Pezinok, Malacky, Senica, Dunajska Streda,
OM3, OM5 Western Slovakia, centre/south: Topolcany, Nitra, Levice, Nove Zamky, Komarno,
Zlate Moravce, Banovce B., Partizanske
OM3, OM6 Central Slovakia, north: Zilina, Martin, Ruzomberok, Dolny Kubin, Liptovsky M.
OM3, OM7 Central Slovakia, centre/south: Banska Bystrica, Zvolen, Ziar H., Lucenec, Velky
OM3, OM8 Eastern Slovakia, west/south: Poprad, Stara Lubovna, Spisska Nova Ves, Kosice,
Trebisov, Roznava, Rimavska Sobota, Michalovce.
OM9 Foreign Operators
OM3, OM0 Eastern Slovakia, northeast: Humenne, Vranov T., Presov, Bardejov, Stropkov,
Svidnik Medzilaborce.

LZ1 Sofija City, Sofija Province, Plovdiv, Haskovo, Burgas
LZ2 Montana, Lovec, Ruse, Varna
LZ0 Club and Special Event Stations , Antartica
LZ1, LZ3, LZ5 & LZ7 are for stations located in Southern LZ (South of the Balkan mountains).
LZ2, LZ4 & LZ6 are for stations located in Northern LZ.


ER1 Kishinev, Dubossary, Orgeev, Khyncheshty

ER2 Tiraspol, Bendery, Kaushany
ER3 Beltsy, Rybnitsa, Floreshty
ER4 Yedintsy, Drokia, Soroki
ER5 Kagul, Komrat, Leovo, Chadyr-Lunga
ER6-ER9 reserved, special call signs
ER0 foreign operators

SV, SW, SX, SY, SZ -SV/A Mount Athos – –V5 Dodecanese – SV9 Crete

amateur radio prefix map by 9K2gv
Groups, Clubs, Legal Entities  SX 1-9 J4 1-9

5BA-5BZ (Also See C4, H2, P3)

Dal 1974 l’isola è divisa in due parti tra le comunità Greco- Cipriote e Turco – Cipriote .   Nel 1983 la parte turca si è autoproclamata “Repubblica turca di Cipro del Nord”, riconosciuta però, politicamente, solo dalla Turchia.

by 1B/TA7AOF

ZC4 è l’indicativo delle due basi militari della Gran Bretagna

1B non è riconosciuto dal DXCC


Uzbekistan (Republic of)

UJ, UK, UL, UM U8 World War II veterans

Oblast determination by the 1st letter of suffix:
A Tashkent city
B Tashkent region
C Kashkadar’inskaya oblast
D Syrdar’inskaya oblast, Gulistan
F Andizhan region
G Fergana region
I Samarkand region
L Bukhara region
O Namangan region
Q Navoi region
T Surkhandar’inskaya oblast, Termez
U Khorezmskaya oblast, Urgench
V Dzhizak region
Z Karakalpakstan rep., Nukus


UNA-UNZ ordinary license
UPA-UPZ special license
UOA-UOZ, UQA-UQZ reserved

Oblast determination by the 1st letter of suffix:

A Mangistau region
B Akmolinsk region
C Petropavlovsk region
D Semipalatinsk region
E Kokchetav (Kokshetau) region
F Pavlodar region
G Alma-Ata (Almaty) city
I Aktyubinsk region

L Kustanay region
M Uralsk region
N Chimkent (Shymkent) region
O Atyrau region
P Karaganda region
Q Alma-Ata (Alamaty) region
R Dzhezkazgan (Zhezkazgan) region
S Leninsk (Baikonur)


PrefixOldprefix Administrative region
EY0-3N/AReserved for ‘l’ajik Amateur Radio League
EY4UJ#RGornyj Badakhshan GBAO
EY5UJ#KKhatlon, Regions of Kulab City
EY6UJ#XKhatlon, Region of Kurgan-Tube City
EY8UJ#JDushanbe City
EY9UJ#J,UJ#XDistricts of Republican Subortination

DSA – DTA , D7A – D9Z , HLA – HLZ    and  6KA -6NZ

HMA -HMZ and P5A -P9Z

JZA-JZZ (Also see 7A-7I, 8A-8I, PK-PO, YB-YH)

AA – AK United-States W , K, NK,KA – KK,
AH0 Mariana-IsKM – KW,
AH1 Amer-Phoenix (Baker/Howland Is)KY – KZ United-States
AH2 GuamKA2CC Japan-JA
AH3 Johnston-IsKC4 Antarctica
AH4 Midway-IsKG4 Guantanamo-Bay
AH5 Palmyra-IsKH0 Mariana-Is
AH5K Kingman-ReefKH1 Amer-Phoenix (Baker/Howland Is)
AH6,7 HawaiiKH2, KG6 Guam
AH7K Kure-IsKH3 Johnston-Is
AH8 Amer-SamoaKH4 Midway-Is
AH9 Wake-Is as well as Willis and Peake IslandsKH5 Palmyra-Is
KH5K Kingman-Reef
AL7 AlaskaKH6,7 Hawaii
KH7K Kure-Is
KH8 Amer-Samoa
KH9 Wake-Is as well as Willis and Peake Islands
KL7 Alaska
KL9KA to KHZ US military personnel in Korea
KP1 Navassa-Is
KP2, KV4 Virgin-Is
KP4 Puerto-Rico
KP5 Desecheo-Is
KX Marshall-Is V73
N,NA – NK,W United-States
NM – NW,W0 Colorado, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota
NY – NZ United-StatesMissouri,Nebraska,North-Dakota,South-Dakota
NH0 Mariana-IsW1 Connecticut, Maine, Massachusetts
NH1 Amer-Phoenix (Baker/Howland Is)New-Hampshire,Rhode-Island,Vermont
NH2 GuamW2 New-Jersey, New-York
NH3 Johnston-IsW3 Delaware, D.C., Maryland, Pennsylvania
NH4 Midway-IsW4 Alabama, Florida,Georgia,Kentucky
NH5 Palmyra-IsNorth-Carolina, South-Carolina, Tennessee,Virginia
NH5K Kingman-ReefW5 Arkansas , Louisiana , Mississippi
NH6,7 HawaiiNew-Mexico , Oklahoma , Texas
NH7K Kure-IsW6 California
NH8 Amer-SamoaW7 Arizona , Idaho , Montana , Nevada
NH9 Wake-Is as well as Willis and Peake IslandsOregon , Utah, Washington , Wyoming
NL7 Alaska-W8 Michigan , Ohio , West-Virginia
NP1 Navassa-IsW9 Illinois , Indiana , Wisconsin
NP2 Virgin-IsWA-WK,
NP4 Puerto-RicoWM-WO,
NP5 Desecheo-IsWQ-WW,
WY,WZ United-States
WH0 Mariana-Is
WH1 Amer-Phoenix (Baker/Howland Is)
WH2 Guam
WH3 Johnston-Is
WH4 Midway-Is
WH5 Palmyra-Is
WH5K Kingman-Reef
WH6,7 Hawaii
WH7K Kure-Is
WH8 Amer-Samoa
WH9 Wake-Is as well as Willis and Peake Islands
WL7 Alaska
WP1 Navassa-Is
WP2 Virgin-Is
WP4 Puerto-Rico
WP5 Desecheo-Is

CF – CK , CY – CZ , VA -VG , VO – VO , VX – VY


South Africa

amateur radio prefix map by 9K2gv

Usual practice when operating from a vessel at sea is to append /MM to the normal callsign. A prefix indicating the country of registration of the vessel may also be added.

Some administrations have issued specific prefixes for use when operating maritime mobile.

These are elisted in the table below.

CanadaVE0From 1954-01-01
CanadaXJ0 From 1975-09-01. 
EcuadorHC9, HD9NE8ZUsed as early as 1967, and probably earlier.
LiberiaEL0, 5L0G0CUZUsed as early as 1956. and probably earlier.