Radio Marathon “INVENTORS TELECOMMUNICATION” 16 marzo-16 giugno 2016

     La “Maratona Inventori delle Telecomunicazione” organizzata dalla Società Geografica Russa si terrà dal 16 marzo al 16 giugno 2016 , con la partecipazione ed il supporto dei Radio Club e radioamatori russi.

    Radio Marathon “INVENTORS TELECOMMUNICATION” from 16 march to 16 june 2016, 82 special event stations  using the prefixRT, the number 73, with a sufix that contains the initials of the individual being honored, XX for their contribution as Inventors of Telecommunication

     Lo scopo della maratona è far conoscere al mondo radioamatoriale la storia della telecomunicazione e degli scienziati che vi hanno contribuito.

Ci saranno giornate di attività speciale :

16 marzo nascita di A.S. Popov.

18 aprile Giornata Mondiale della Radio Amateur.

7 maggio in onore idel fisico russo Alexander S. Popov.

17 maggio – World Information Society Day. (Previously called International

Telecommunications Day).


e sette classi tematiche con argomento , La prima comunicazione , la mail , il telegrafo , il telefono , la televisione e naturalmente la Radio.

     Le stazione attive avranno prefisso RT seguito dal numero 73 e le iniziali dello scienziato commemorato.


Elenco delle  stazioni partecipanti e le persone ricordate:

1. RT73AP Alexander Stepanovich Popov

2. RT73SM Samuel Finley Breese Morse

3. RT73NT Nikola Tesla

4. RT73ES Ernst Werner Siemens

5. RT73TE Thomas Alva Edison

6. RT73HH Henry Rudolf Hertz

7. RT73GM Guglielmo Marconi

8. RT73JG Johann Carl Friedrich Gauss

9. RT73AV Alessandro Giuseppe Antonio Anastasio Volta

10. RT73AA André-Marie Ampère

11. RT73MF Michael Faraday

12. RT73JM James Clerk Maxwell

13. RT73DH David Edward Hughes

14. RT73OL Sir Oliver Joseph Lodge

15. RT73WC William Crookes

16. RT73GP Greenleaf Whittier Pickard

17. RT73EA Edwin Howard Armstrong

18. RT73AR Augusto Riga

19. RT73EB Edouard Branly

20. RT73HL Hendrik Antoon Lorentz

21. RT73AL Alexander Lodygin

22. Pavel RT73PY Yablochkov

23. RT73VZ Vladimir K. Zworykin

24. RT73DD Mikhail Dolivo-Dobrovolsky

25. RT73BY Moritz von Jacobi

26. RT73RH Robert Hooke

27. RT73PA Alexander M. (Ing. Alexander Matveevich Poniatoff

28. RT73DL Dmitry Lachinov

29. RT73LO Oleg Losev

30. RT73EL Heinrich Lenz

31. RT73BR Boris Rosing

32. RT73SK Simon Isidorovich Kataev

33. RT73AB Alexander Bain

34. RT73KB Karl Ferdinand Braun

35. RT73OA Abgarovich Hovhannes Adamyan

36. RT73YL Yakov Semenovich Lapovok.

37. RT73BB Mikhail Bonch-Bruevich

38. RT73FL Fedor Lbov

39. R73BA Alexander Graham

40. RT73JH Joseph Henry

41. RT73AM Antonio Meucci

42. RT73LF Lee de Forest

43. RT73JB Logue John Baird

44. RT73CW Sir Charles Wheatstone

45. RT73FS Francisco de Salva

46. ​​RT73EK Ernst Ernst

47. RT73LL Leonid Labutin

48. RT73AS Adolf Slaby

49. RT73ML Malone Loomis (Mahlon Loomis)

50. RT73SH Hasegawa Sako, JA1MP.

51. RT73CC Claude Chappe

52. RT73HE Hans Christian Ørsted

53. Pavel RT73PS Schilling

54. RT73JF Sir John Ambrose Fleming

55. RT73JD John Frederick Daniel

56. RT73CS Karl August Steynhel

57. RT73WG William Robert Grove

58. RT73VA Alfred Vail

59. RT73MA Barone Manfred von Ardenne

60. RT73VK Valentin Kovalenkov

61. RT73WD William Du Bois Duddel

62. RT73VP Valdemar Poulsen

63. RT73RF Reginald Aubrey Fessenden

64. RT73BJ Sir Jagadish Chandra Bose

65. RT73ER Ernst Rumer

66. RT73JT John Trowbridge

67. RT73WP William Henry Preece

68. RT73RL Lieben Robert

69. RT73IA Isamu Akasaki

70. RT73SN Shuji Nakamura

71. RT73NS Nathan Stubblefield

72. RT73VS Walter Hermann Schottky

73. RT73FM Fritz Walter

74. Pavel RT73PG Golubitskiy

75. RT73VV Valentin Petrovich Vologdin

76. RT73WS William Bradford Shockley

77. RT73WB Walter Houser Bratt

78. RT73SF Cyrus West Field

79. RT73JK Jack Art.

80. RT3NM Sir Nevill Francis Mott

81. RT73JV Hazbruk John Van

82. RT73LG Luigi Galvani

     Per i partecipanti all’evento diplomi e placche log on line (, per maggiori informazioni –  (more info) dal sito di K1BV



The international scientific-educational radio marathon “Inventor TELECOMMUNICATION” has been established by the Russian Geographical Society with the support of radio clubs and amateur radio operators in Russia to call attention to the personalities who played a prominent role in the history of telecommunications.

The purpose of the international radio marathon “Inventor TELECOMMUNICATION” is to transfer to radio amateurs all over the world, a body of knowledge of the history of telecommunications, development outlook, the ability to individual creative solutions for self-learning, as well as the formation of humanistic values.

Knowledge of the history of telecommunications decides a world view, general cultural problem. After all means of communication were established efforts of many scientists, engineers, inventors of all developed countries of the world. Communications World international, and with it humanity is beginning to overcome the accumulated hostility and mistrust between the peoples.


Special days of activity for this radio marathon will be:
16 March – Birthdate of A.S. Popov.
18 April – World Day of Amateur Radio.
7 May – Honoring the Russian physicist Alexander S. Popov.
17 May – World Information Society Day. (Previously called International Telecommunications Day).

Award Rules: The inventors of the telecommunications March 16 – June 16, 2016

You may earn several diplomas and awards of the international amateur scientific and educational diploma program “Inventor TELECOMMUNICATION” by conducting radio contacts (SWL OK) from 16 March (00 UTC) to 16 June (00 UTC) of 2016 by contacting special event stations using the prefix RT, the number 73, with a prefix that contains the initials of the individual being honored, XX for their contribution as Inventors of Telecommunication.


To earn the 7 different thematic classes you need to contact the following number of stations, indicating the international amateur radio digital code expression *:
To earn the 3 different awards “INVENTORS TELECOMMUNICATION» PLAQUE and TROPHY you need to dial the following number of QSO:

1. The award “Inventor TELECOMMUNICATION» PLAQUE: 200 QSO
2. The award “Inventor TELECOMMUNICATION» TROPHY: 250 QSO
3. The award “Inventor TELECOMMUNICATION” GLASS: 300 QSO


The above wooden plaques for “Inventor TELECOMMUNICATION» PLAQUE & TROPHY are mounted on a metal base (weight: 0.5 kg, plaque – 23 x 30.5 cm, metal – 19 x 26 cm).

A special Glass award “INVENTORS TELECOMMUNICATION» features optical glass with laser engraving and gift box (weight: 0.5 kg).

Repeated QSOs / SWL with special radios RT 73 XX, dedicated to the great and well-known telecommunication inventors may be worked multiple time using various HF & VHF bands and different modes (telephone, telegraph, digital types) from March 16 to June 16, 2016.

For radio stations that are located on separate continents of NA, SA, OC, AF, AS ( with the exception of Russia and CIS countries) each contact is worth double points.

The observers (SWL) should send such reports to the monitoring report to the Organizing Committee.

All 7 thematic diplomas are issued solely in electronic form free of charge through the system automated system of HAMLOG RU which is located at: . They will receive reports from all participants which will be used to verify your contacts.

While the paper awards are free of charge, there will be a charge made for the Awards which are PLAQUES, TROPHY and GLASS. Contact sponsor for details to send to your country.


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