URE 75th Anniversary

To celebrate 75th anniversary of the URE -Unión de Radioaficionados Españoles is established special diploma, available to any licensed radio amateur station or SWL around
the world , from 1th to 30th april 2024.

18 special stations from Spain with the prefix AO75 and with
the two general stations, AO75URE from Spain and CQ75URE from Portugal , special stations:

  • AO75AR (Aragona)
  • AO75AN (Andalusia)
  • AO75IC (Isole Canarie (EA8)
  • AO75CA (Cantabria)
  • AO75CL (Castilla e León)
  • AO75CM (Castilla La Mancia)
  • AO75CT (Catalogna)
  • AO75MA (Comunità di Madrid)
  • AO75NA (Comunità di Navarra)
  • AO75CV (Comunità Valenciana)
  • AO75EX (Estremadura)
  • AO75GA (Galizia)
  • AO75IB (Isole Baleari (EA6)
  • AO75LR (La Rioja)
  • AO75MC (Melilla e Ceuta (EA9)
  • AO75EU (Euskadi)
  • AO75PA (Principato delle Asturie)
  • AO75MU (Murcia)

more info : https://75aniversario.ure.es/

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